I just accidentally lost this blog entry! Sometimes iPads can be tricky. Sigh...so I am starting again. We were sad to leave our lovely country inn but we placed a few Canadian coins on their "money wall" so a bit of Canada remains there.

But soon we were on our way again. It was a beautiful sunny morning. We saw a beautiful gate.

A sign of true love

It was all up hill for about one and a half kilometers

But then we reached the crest of the hill and the last kilometer marker before Santiago.

Crosses and abandoned apparel

And even an entrepreneur

We were actually beside an airport runway. I didn't feel ready to return to so-called civilization but there were still forested trails to wend through

And pilgrims needing a rest

And best of all

A cafe and a second cup of cafe leche was welcome after 8 kilometers.

We had a leisurely start and many of our fellow travelers were going all the way to Santiago today so we thought that they were away ahead of us but

Liz and Chris arrived

And everyone's favorite pilgrim, Margaret Ann.

They were delighted to be reunited with their Danish and French friends who had called a taxi when they realized they had missed their hotel by several kilometers.

I, personally, loved the touches that only Chris could give her knapsack.

In the nearby church I lit a candle in memory of my good friend, Kitty, remembering the candles she and I had lit in Goa ten years ago.

How she would have loved this adventure! But it's hard to stay serious long when you have Irene with you.

For a Euro she donned the gear of a long ago pilgrim for a picture.

Our friends need to get going so we had one more steep hill to climb but first

I had to do some shopping!

You see shells in every form on the way. We were close to our hotel so we watched carefully.

We saw our first Spanish School.

More lovely homes and flowers

More great vegetable gardens

And then we saw the sign we were looking for.

When we saw our hotel we really felt like princesses. No dormitories for us!

What a wonderful time we have had and except for a few aches and pains having walked over 100 kilometers we feel great. Although we have more adventure awaiting us, we are going to miss this experience. Many thanks to the Follow the Camino company for great accommodation and for transporting our suitcases from place to place! One more day into Santiago and the end of this journey. Adios!
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