After coffee and yoghurt and fruit and almonds (an economical breakfast in our room) we were off to the waterfront and the market at the ferry building. our journey took us along Market Street, aptly named!

I loved the idea of a store just for fancy Japanese sweets!-

Soon we reached our destination. there are markets every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. I had been to the Saturday market which is where you have the most food venders. Then it was near Pier 39. In its new location, the Ferry Building is also full of stores for foodies.

Here is a flower vender outside.

Sur La Table is a chain and my favourite cooking accessory store so that I was happy to find one here!

Here we are inside the Ferry Building!

Mushrooms anyone?

That sign says Tasty Pig Parts...

Just to show you what is right outside!

I loved these vintage postcards.

Cheese anyone?

Look at the colours of those delicious fruit!

Now I love the range of hues of these peppers!

I don't think I have mentioned that the Americas Cup sailing race is just beginning.

Great words about San Francisco!

Here you can see why it is called the Ferry Building and we were planning to take a ferry to Sausalito but our timing was a bit off so that we decided to check out a recommendation for a restaurant in North Beach for lunch!

We walked along until we reached Green Street.

Well perhaps I should mention it was all up hill! I yearned a bit for my Camino walking poles!

The climb was worth it though-loved these houses!

You stay in shape on Telegraph Hill!

Look at the detail!

Old and new!


Catch the Ocean View with the Bay Bridge!

I think we had earned lunch at Bocce from all that walking...

We received a second recommendation for Bocce that had a lovely patio inn the back!

Great window display...

We can't find the name of the church. Ahh...the National Shrine of Saint Francis!

We are in the heart of North Beach nearing China Town

I was excited to find the famous City Lights Bookstore!

and then as we wandered down Grant we were in China Town.

And then for a moment I thought I was in Paris

Too bad we weren't hungry!

Love these stairs...

Britain seems popular as well!

I found another little market...

Soaps in Neiman-Marcus

Love this skylight there!

Details found in our after Happy Hour walk!

We ended up the evening at Camelot! Our day in San Francisco made me feel as if I had experienced a bit of the magic of Camelot! What a wonderful day!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:San Francisco-kilometres walked-over 10-up, down, and around
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