This morning I decided to take a walk (plus I found a pedometer on my I-phone) while Sue was out power walking. I took a break from blog writing!

I just walked down State Street toward the beach.

I noticed there actually is an entrance to Old Santa Barbara.

When I walk I often like to window shop. Cool chess board.

As I left Old Santa Barbara, I noticed more and more homeless people. In fact as you get closer to the highway which you have to go over or under to get to the beach, that was mainly what you saw in the early morning. It was foggy so I wasn't going to see much at the beach so decided to turn back and indulge in a latte.

Along the way I saw a bike shop with some rather jazzy bikes.

I just thought you would like to see our nearby neighbour-next to the Supreme Court.

After another coffee with Sue it was time for chocolate tasting!

This is what we got to choose plus tasting several types of chocolate all made here. Price was six dollars each!

Our next stop was the Art Museum. It was excellent but I couldn't take any pictures. We liked all the exhibits.

If I had to teach Art this year I would be buying this book!

This book looked fun as well!

Here is the museum above. We had a coupon so cost was five dollars each.

First time we have seen sun in our favourite plaza as it has often been foggy or dark!

Turtles were out sunning themselves. After a delicious lunch at Jeannine's we were off to wine tasting.

We took the trolley down State near the beach and then walked over to Anacapa to do some wine tasting.

We decided to go with Kunin's as it had been one of Nancy's recommendations. We had another coupon so that it was half price, five dollars each (free if we bought a bottle which in the end we did) and we each were able to sample five wines.

What I tasted is below...

Sue had a couple of reds as well as whites. We bought a Viognier.

Our view above!

The map shows all the wine tasting places in this neighbourhood. Our hostess was charming and gave us suggestions for our foray into wine country tomorrow. Her sister once lived in the Vancouver area she was interested in B.C. Wines as well.

Check out the surfboards above!

and a bit of graffiti art.
We hopped back on the trolley as our next stop was the farmers' market.

It was fun with a few musicians as well along the way.

After the market we went to see the movie, The Butler, which we both loved.

And then it was time to walk home.
P.S. in case you are interested I walked almost seven kilometres.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Santa Barbara
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