This is a pretty long established neighbourhood near the University of British Columbia.

but change has been occurring here as it has in many neighbourhoods in our city.

But there are lovely homes...

Below is West Point Grey United Church...

Some homes look very inviting.

One thing you can't beat here are the views...

I was surprised by a new housing development

You could tell it was a development by the identical gates.

the home above seemed very welcoming

This was such a pretty garden and veranda.

The home above looked like it had been there a long time ago.

It was time to go for coffee!

Then I drove down the hill to Spanish Banks.

The mist was so neat...

It was such a hazy morning and I couldn't believe how relatively empty it was there...

I had a good time checking out the beach. You can see downtown through the mist.

the tide was way out!

You can see ships anchored out there and West Vancouver in the distance.

Look what I found on the beach!

Just to show you where I started my beach walk. I also noted that cafes were open for lunch!

I hope you enjoyed your walk!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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