Wednesday, after reading to a few kindergarten students, while a friend was getting her first graders to quietly read to themselves, I decided to take advantage of a beautiful day and go to another favourite place, Crescent Beach.
Just after you turn off Highway 99 to go to Crescent Beach, you come to the very historical, Stewart Farm
You can see a picture above. This home of an early pioneer of the area is now a museum in a beautiful setting.

I hadn't been here since last fall and not on such a lovely morning so I decided to have a wander.

As you can see there is a marina and also headquarters for a rowing club here.

Nice display of traditional farming implements is the barn

Apples, anyone?
I decided to go into the house where I found a cheerful volunteer tour guide, but she let me wander through.

You can find flower seeds and a specially blended tea...

The formal dining room

The kitchen

The view from upstairs

The master bedroom is above

Other bedrooms

Great attention to detail in this small museum.
I am sure school children enjoy touring it and of course, adults as well. But for me I always enjoy the beauty and peace you find here.

My next stop was the little community of Crescent Beach. I visited here long ago on a warm summer day and was ready to move here, but since I really don't like commuting over bridges that never happened although I always enjoy a visit.

Initially a small community later it was a place where Vancouver families had cottages but now has a number of full year residents. Homes have been rebuilt and winterized but you don't see ugly mega homes here and there is still a great deal of charm.

a local restaurant once a gas station...

Then of course there is the main attraction, the beach where you can have long lovely walks.

lots of dog walkers...

Lots of benches for scenery viewing

some of the nice homes here with ocean views

The tide was out!

Great place for bird watching. In fact I eavesdropped on a bit of a guided bird watching tour!

I spotted a few crab seekers and sea shell collectors...

I loved my interlude here on Wednesday and after a stop at the Fieldstone Bakery I headed home.

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