We headed south from Lisbon through groves of cork trees and vineyards.

We had a lovely unexpected stop at Tavira in the eastern part of the Algave.

It was such a beautiful place, again a settlement dating back to the Phoenicians, Romans, Moors… In the 1700's all the buildings were destroyed by an earthquake that damaged much of the Algave region. I don't think I was aware how prone to earthquakes Portugal is. The buildings were then rebuilt. I have learned that the Moors were responsible for the whitewashed building style.

I loved walking through the beautiful town.

We were a bit early for lunch and it didn't seem as if the restaurants were up to dealing with perhaps an unexpected crowd. We waited and waited at one restaurant without being served and then went to another where the service was rather slow as well.

It was a much nicer stop than some of the road side service centres we sometimes had lunch but I guess the advantage of those is that they are used to dealing with crowds quickly.

It just meant that we didn't have as long to enjoy this lovely town.

But I certainly didn't regret this stop.

I couldn't help but feel as if I would love to have more time to spend in Portugal.

And it was such a lovely day!

There was even a mime entertaining passers by.

And of course there were charming shops.

and just beautiful scenery.

and enchanting streets.

No wonder this area has become popular with tourists.

It made me want to spend much more time in this lovely area!

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