It was time for a road trip and although it was hot I couldn't have picked a nicer day for one!

After a bit of a late start I hit the road stopping at Chilliwack to stretch my legs-just over an hour out of Vancouver. The heaviest traffic of my trip was on my way here.

It is a beautiful trip and great scenery right in front of you as you drive along to Hope where I switched from Highway 1, the Trans Canada, to Highway 3

Next stop was Manning Park

And then after Princeton I stopped to take in a bit of action along the river...

Soon you get into mining country as you go up and down the mountains

The beautiful picture below was taken just before Keremeos as you enter the Okanagan

Here there are lots of fruit stands and wineries as you travel along between here and Osoyoos

A beautiful winery is Seven Sisters where I stopped to taste and buy a rose.

This is the view from the deck, new since my last visit

Next stop was brief in Osoyoos where it was really HOT! This has been a popular summer destination for Vancouver families as it could be cool and rainy on the coast but always hot and dry here in British Columbia's desert!

But soon Highway 3 begins to climb again

and you get some incredible views of Osoyoos

and you are in a totally different environment...

Greenwood is a charming little town with lots of history

The next town along the way is Grand Forks which is a very pretty place though I was in a bit of a rush so didn't linger here Tuesday.

I was only half an hour from my destination, Christina Lake and although it was a beautiful drive I had been on the road for over eight hours...

But with a great dinner and a dramatic lightning storm it was a good ending to a great day!

It was Canada Day and we had work to do

One of my assignments was creating a watermelon ball bowl! Elaine had purchased these flags so I thought it was quite impressive

with the appetizers prepared we moved on to decorating

We both had collected Canada Day gear!

Terry had to blow up the balloons and we just hoped the heat wouldn't cause them to pop before the party!!!

I think their red and white floral display really help!!!

Ginger the cat

and her brother, Jazzy, had other ways of celebrating!

the party was warm but lots of fun!

And I had a refreshing dip in the lake that evening!

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