Another beautiful sunrise!
Our next destination was St. Martin or St. Maarten depending which side of the island you are on. The ship landed in Philipsburg, the capital of the Dutch side, St. Maarten. At the cruise ship we were picked up by a bus that took us to a boat that delivered us to the French side and the town of Marigot. France and the Netherlands have peacefully shared this island since the 1600's!

Our tour guide was thorough and interesting and we certainly enjoyed our boat ride.

I have to admit I can't imagine drinking rum punch at nine in the morning but some people were!

Below is the causeway bridge we passed under-I guess it comes up for real ships!

Always beautiful scenery to look at...

A view on deck-I really need to be thinking of blogging when I take pictures.

You never know where you will find the American Coast Guard!

Now we are coming in to St. Martin-the main town of Marigot

I wouldn't have minded the loyal dog helping to sell jewelry though!

Soon it was time to get our second bus and just as we left the part of town we were in we saw the flea market and it looked like a great outdoor French market. I wished we had been given better directions or had been just picked up by the bus from the boat and given a stop here. I should have done a bit more homework!

The bus ride was very interesting! We saw some beautiful beaches and scenery.

Soon we were back in Philipsburg and we decided to do some exploring!

And you wondered how to cure a headache!

You see how far we are away!

Philipsburg is a very pretty little town.

There was a nice beach that some of our shipmates were enjoying!

Isn't this a beautiful view?

More gorgeous flowers!

And we love the bright colours!

We really enjoyed our time in St. Maarten/St. Martin but it was hot and we decided that it was time to head back to the ship for a cool drink and a late lunch and a swim!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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