Well I just lost this whole post on my blogpress app so it's called starting over. I was very excited about going to the Virgin Islands. When I was a child my first adult novels were my grandmother's condensed novels. And my very favourite story was one called Our Virgin Island. It was about a writer, Robb White, and his wife, Rodie, who end up living on a small island in the British Virgin Islands after the First World War until the U.S. entered the Second World War. I was fascinated by this story and always had a curiosity about this area.
We were off the ship early soon after it arrived. We had an afternoon planned going snorkeling and thought in the morning we would actually do a bit of shopping as our busy times in Miami and Puerto Rico hadn't given us even time to buy a post card. Rather than take a taxi or walk up to main town we just explored the shops near the ship.

But first we ran into some chickens!
We were struck by the beautiful vegetation!

We were surprised to find the Little Mermaid here but St. Thomas was originally a Danish colony and reading about this made me regret we didn't explore a bit more of Charlotte Amalie.

We purchased a few postcards and souvenirs and went back to the ship to grab an early lunch and get ready to go snorkeling with turtles and discovered the crew having a lifeboat drill!

I was surprised to discover that we were going out on a pirate ship! I hadn't read the fine print!

It was beautiful though to be out sailing in the Caribbean!

It was a bit rough out there and I didn't have an underwater camera and I was a bit occupied going snorkeling so I am afraid I don't have any pictures of us snorkeling! I love snorkeling and haven't done it in ages so it was fun despite rough water! We did see turtles and a sting ray and fish and fire coral.

Our first and second mate were hard at work!

I think we all enjoyed our adventure!

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