I just loved watching the sunsetting by our hotel. We always seemed to be getting back a bit late when we hit the pool after our adventures.

I love having a nice pool out the front door!

Night time view above!!!

Monday morning we were waiting for the water taxi and we met a friend...

We had thought of a boat tour but we were told that the water taxis were the way to go and it was great-we got lots of information. Fort Lauderdale gets called the Venice of Florida so it has lots of waterways to explore

We had headed off near the Galleria Shopping Mall and headed towards the downtown of Fort Lauderdale.

We got off the water taxi in the historical area….

It was very pretty and rather different than one's idea of Fort Lauderdale

We had lunch at an Irish pub with an interesting ceiling...

Then we walked back through rather upscale downtown Fort Lauderdale to catch our boat back...

Here you have a view of the museum...

I think below is the Bahia Mar Marina near where we stayed on my first visit long ago.

Just another beautiful flower

After a visit with friends from Montreal we were back at our hotel for another sunset

Tuesday we ventured down to Hollywood, Florida, that is where another friend of the Benoits spends the winter. Hollywood attracts lots of French Canadians…enough of those Quebec winters...

After a lovely visit (the plant above was in their garden) we had a great lunch stop, Coconuts.

But most exciting, we finally made it to the beach-how crazy-a couple of short blocks away. The water was lovely!

Then after a dip in the pool it was time to pack up and wander down to a restaurant nearby for dinner. It was too dark for a picture and it was a bit windy!

and here I am leaving Miami. It was a great trip-so much fun! Bye for now!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone and Blogger on my computer
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