Before I returned from Florida I was warned it had snowed in Vancouver...

But fortunately I could find signs of spring at my house! And even though I went from 29 to 9 degrees it was good to be home-I think...

And snow is pretty but it didn't last too long

Meanwhile fun things were happening at Spanish Banks

And I had my own project looking for proof of spring...

Even when it snowed again...

But soon it was raining again and disappeared and spring was truly evident

crocuses beginning to bloom...

Blooms appearing everywhere

My lovely mini daffodils were coming up

But I didn't just stare at plants as I had a field trip with the first graders to Science World

And it was pouring rain but out the windows there were the most amazing views

But definitely the rains had returned and soccer in the rain was again a common sight-oh where was my Caribbean warmth and sunshine?

But days would come clear and here is a lovely view of the West End from Kits Point

But I was still infatuated with my carefully planted (well somewhat randomly planted) crocus bulbs blooming madly

I even found some mini irises in my travels

And even some early rhododendron blooms were appearing

And isn't this pretty-I think it is a type of Pieris but not sure!

I always enjoy the views...

This is typical-my basket with a newspaper and a coffee mug and the iPhone to take pictures-and soon it will be filled with groceries as well...

I swear I resisted the cookies...

A regular fixture around here is Holly the cat who only makes fleeting exits out the door…in her youth she seemed to spend much more time outside...

This was a gorgeous day at Spanish Banks although a bit windy-I had to have a coffee to warm up...

Beautiful sunset coming...

I have to have my regular fix of Steveston, once a fishing village part of Richmond just south of the Fraser from the city...

I loved the colour and pattern of these fishing nets...

Then I had to have a wander to my favourite garden shop there, The Prickly Pear
Doesn't this look inviting?
Meanwhile back at my house
There were some gorgeous skies that week
And my garden was looking more and more gorgeous- hyacinths blooming now
And crocuses wide open
But it turned out to be rather spectacular
I love this path to the sea…
Meanwhile the daffodils were coming out
And more beautiful early rhodos
And I even spotted periwinkle peaking out…
And now it was officially March break in Vancouver-two weeks off for students and no volunteering for me so in my next blog you can see what interesting things I found to do...
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