Our second day in Ucluelet
was another beautiful day
This is a view that you have to like waking up to...

I am an early morning person and I wasn't disappointed as I went out on our deck.
Below was the view from my bedroom deck
We set off for Black Rock Resort for breakfast!
And it was delicious as was the view!
Quite the breakfast view
especially when you get to see a whale which we did!
We then had a nice walk on the Wild Pacific Trail
but we had lots to see so our walk wasn't too long… On the way out of the resort in our car, we saw a wolf loping along...
Our next destination was to do some beach exploring at Pacific Rim National Park. (Don't forget to get your parking pass-there is a ranger station just on the main road.)
I can virtually take you to Wickannish Beach...
Here we are at Long Beach…
We stopped in at Middle Beach Lodge on our way to Tofino
I love the views from here
We went into Tofino but we had missed our destination which is between Middle Beach Lodge and Tofino, a little mall...
where you find Tacofino, once a food truck now a stationary one here but now there are two restaurants in Vancouver and a food truck. The best tacos...
And I can't believe it no picture from Chocolate Tofino-great chocolate and gelato and conveniently located in the same little mall!!!!
We headed back to Uclulet and our great view!
and giving you a little atmosphere below
Another stunning moonlit evening!
Sadly Friday morning we knew we had to head home!
Here's a view inside our unit at Water's Edge Resort in Club Intrawest section.
We had great coffee at Zoe's in town and had a tour of Whiskey Landing Resort where I actually won two nights and will return in September! We even had a tour and it looked very nice. And then we were on our way!
Lunch was in Coombs where you can find goats grazing on the roof of the general store.
We had a pleasant wait for the ferry
and a beautiful cruise back to West Vancouver
driving through Vancouver's downtown and up Cambie Street was a bit of a shock to the system after the peace of Vancouver Island but all was quiet at my house and we had a great getaway!
Next trip I will be taking you on
Will be Boston so stay tuned!