We left Madrid

And we were off to Toledo

just the first view took my breath away

I even had to pose for a picture

Our first stop was a damascene factory. Damascening is the art of inlaying gold or silver into darkly oxidized steel background to produce intricate patterns. This technique was brought to Toledo from Damascus.

Here is a sample above.

We took escalators up to the old town

Check this narrow street.

Lola, our tireless tour manager, treated us to marzipan, a speciality of Toledo, the best marzipan I have ever tasted.

Toledo is a UNESCO world heritage site

We had an excellent local guide, Carlos, who took us first into the beautiful cathedral, a gothic cathedral dating from the 13th century, built on a former mosque

There are beautiful paintings by such painters as Goya and El Greco. Below is a portrait of Jesus done by El Greco who used colour the way Goya used light.

I loved this Baroque alterpiece called El Transparente.

This floor shows the Star of David. Toledo was a place where Jews, Moslems, and Christians co-existed.

This cathedral was just amazing.

We had time to explore the town a bit.

And a chance to buy marzipan.

It was amazing what they could create with it.

Even a marzipan cathedral

It really was a

Sweet time in Toledo...

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