Another beautiful day… Joanne got me to a gas station

her offices are on the top floor of a building right across from Parliament as you can see above!

She works for Shaw Cable/ Global Television and above is some of their art collection

Another view

Above you can see the War Memorial where the soldier was shot and in the back is the Chateau Laurier Hotel.

I left Joanne at work and went down to see the memorial closer and I felt very sad thinking of that day a few months ago.

I love the view below!

I was meeting my Facebook Photography group friend in the lobby of the Chateau Laurier. It is so elegant!

Elsie's suggestion was a cruise on the Ottawa River, something I had never done

Here you can see where we got on and the lock system that enables you to travel for a long ways

but we didn't have too long a journey today

Our ship above

and we are off

Our guide was excellent but afraid I can't remember everything she told us. Above you can see the Museum of Civilization and History.

Elsie takes more pictures than I do (and that is something but I was having a battery rapidly being used up and no auxiliary charger).

I didn't really have time to go to the Museum of Civilization and History this trip but have totally enjoyed previously.

Check out the falls!

Looking over at Hull (or Gatineau as it is now all known)

Our boat ride is ending!

Our next stop was at the Bytown Market The last time I was here I ran into a student from my first class who was then the manager of a shop. I hadn't seen her in 26 years but she recognized me. My first year teaching was spent in Shawville, fifty miles up river on the Quebec side from Ottawa. In those days Ottawa looked very good to me when I would come down for the day with friends.

Now this isn't where we had lunch but it is a very old building. I had a great morning and lunch with Elsie and it was if I had known her for ages. She is such an interesting, enthusiastic person.

Next, I took a wander over to the National Art Gallery, checking out a Mary Pratt exhibit and seeing old favourites!

Since Vancouver is a city of banners it was interesting to see Ottawa's.

I went back up to Joanne's office for awhile. I had a bit of a cold when I left Vancouver and while I was away. It wasn't that bad but this was the day I probably felt the spaciest , so it was nice to relax in this rather spectacular office building with its great view. Then she guided me out of downtown as I went to spend the evening with a childhood friend's daughters and their families. Torrey lives near the hospital where she trained as a paediatrician.

My friend died unexpectedly five years ago and it was so nice to catch up with her daughters. She would be so proud of them and adore her grandchildren whom she never got to meet.

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