Sunday my friend, Donna, and I went on a road trip. We actually started in Vancouver, British Columbia and ended up in Jantzen Beach just across the bridge from Vancouver, Washington, and just before Portland, Oregon. I was driving and our stops were brief so I didn't really take many pictures!

But about eight hours after leaving Vancouver we arrived at the Jantzen River Red Lion Inn. We asked if we were getting a river view as requested but were told that it would be an additional $20 and Donna's pleas about the state of the parking lot and our long drive didn't seem to make an impression so we went off to find our non view room but then we were given a free upgrade and had a big room with a lovely view.

We enjoyed a glass of wine looking over the river and were joined by a friend who lives nearby for dinner.

We set off early the next morning, battled a bit of Portland's rush hour traffic and had breakfast in Keizer, Oregon. We had to check this town out.

It may be spelled differently

but there are many variations in the spelling of my name and the first Kezar I know of, came from England to New England in the 1600's.

This town was founded by two brothers after they came across the country on the Oregon Trail.

It was a rather cute town and a fun place to stop...

Then we hit the road again and got into the mountains.

We stopped in Azalea, Oregon. We didn't find much else but the general store, but it was rather interesting.

This is a hundred year old building.

You could get some real bargains on expired canned food

but we had ice cream bars for lunch!

There was some interesting signage as well!

But soon we were on our way again eventually reaching Ashland, about four and a half hours south of Portland. We found our hotel, the Plaza Inn and Suites. We went to our room and it seemed a bit dark but more importantly there was a stale food smell so we phoned housekeeping and almost immediately we were told we could have a different room. I think the smell was coming from the adjourning suite. Anyway once again we were upgraded to a lovely bright corner suite with a porch.

A different view form the river the night before but still pleasant!

After a complimentary snack and settling in, we set off to have dinner!

We decided on Liquid Assets just a short walk away. It was great!!! I totally recommend it! Since they only charged an extra five dollars corkage fee for their wines and you could take away what you didn't finish, we ordered a bottle of wine but we drank all of it with dinner.

Donna was tired as she had only returned from Europe a few years before so she went home to bed

but I thought I needed a little exercise so I had said I would just walk along the main street a bit and then go back to our hotel.

It was fun to peak in windows

and listen to music!

I was thinking which stores I would have to check out Tuesday!

I turned down the street and thought how neat this was

There was only one problem. I turned towards home one street too early and then realized that I was a bit lost. I checked the GPS on my phone and started to head to the Ashland Inn before realizing I was staying at the Plaza Inn. Having driven all day (although it was a shorter distance mountain driving is more tiring) and drinking that wine I perhaps was a bit punchy. But I did make it home just before Donna thought she might have to go look for me! But it was a lovely evening in lovely Ashland.

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