Palma has a population of about 408,000 people, about half the population of Mallorca.

Palma was founded by the Romans in 123 BC and was named Palmeria. It wasn't very important until the Moors arrived in AD902. They built mosques, bath houses etc.

Today we had a good stroll through the old city.


and plazas

more lemons and oranges and peppers as well...

More neat balconies

Beautiful detail

I didn't see the famous tennis player but Nadel is quite a common name...

This is Basilica de San Francisco

Here you can see the Moorish walls

and finally the sea…

looking up at the cathedral

down to the sea...

I guess we had seen enough cathedrals because we didn't go in! It does sound interesting but we had seen a great many cathedrals at this point!

This was as close as I got to buying Mallorcan pearls!

A plaque commemorating Chopin's and George Sand's visit to the island

An interesting display...

It was the largest and most impressive sailboat I have ever been on...

It was fun to explore and you could probably buy it if you had 2.8 million dollars...

We walked back into town to have a nice dinner, though not at the exclusive restaurant we peeked in above.

This is Sa Llotja, built in the 15th century as the merchants' stock exchange and is now used for free art exhibits.

I thought this looked so beautiful as we walked back to the car in the marina.

I loved this silhouette

Another great day in Mallorca!

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