I was just reading another blog with beautiful photographs and this made me think that I hadn't written in this blog for awhile. I haven't been out of town since Whistler but part of what I decided retirement needed to be was to be a tourist in your own city. And when you live in Vancouver that can be rather fun...
I have walked and walked through the city, often in my own amazing neighbourhood and in other interesting neighbourhoods. the above photo was taken when a friend and I walked from an event at the Vancouver International Writers' Festival at Granville Island to the Olympic Village Canada Line Station.
The colours were amazing this fall! This is one of my friend's favourite picture snapped that day.

That was a day of great reflections...

The colours have been amazing and the beauty of Vancouver is they last a long time. Apparently more and more varieties of Japanese maples have been well planted and they have brilliant colours.

Many of my walks take place in my own greater neighbourhood between Cambie and Main Street between Queen Elizabeth Park and City Hall. It is an interesting neighbourhood that has interesting nooks and crannies as well as some lovingly restored homes but also some really ugly architecture that I choose to ignore.
Some of my favourite streets are between Ontario and Main between 20th and King Edward. The streets are older and narrower and some of the houses are tiny and often have interesting features.

This is on the west side on Ontario near me. You can donate or borrow a book!

The neighbourhood seemed to go all out for Halloween as I noted in a previous post. Even that book box was decorated.

Another favourite neighbourhood is Steveston Village that I have written about before and I love the Prickly Pear Garden Shop.

it may have been almost Halloween but flowers were still blooming at my house and my lawn furniture still out.

Another fun adventure I had was helping a friend's k/1class with their older buddies carve pumpkins.

I love Halloween and had a happy morning with another friend's first graders and then came home and got ready for Halloween at my house.

I was supposed to leave at 6:30 for Spanish class but hadn't had any trick or treaters yet so I decided to read my Spanish text and go an hour late. Probably 60 kids came before I left.

I left a basket outside for treats and one bar was left on my return.
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