After a swim and an amazing dinner out at the Rimrock Cafe, we returned "home".

I watched the sun coming up

My bedroom had a rather amazing view.

Then I went for another swim. Val decided to read the paper!

Then we checked out but left the car at Intrawest and walked into the Lower Village.

We had fun looking for bargains, having lunch, and of course, we had to sample Moo's ice cream

The Olympic Plaza

Back up the hill-Chateau Whistler

Back at Intrawest it was time to return to Vancouver,but of course had a scenic drive.

but then as we crossed into Vancouver on the Lion's Gate Bridge we had another round of fog.

I took the scenic route home, avoiding downtown at 5:30 and we hit fog again. This was at the Teahouse.

but all was clear back home!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Whistler Part 2
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